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(L) [2012/04/20] [ost by dbz] [CryEngine 3] Wayback!

I am sure many have seen this already, but CryEngine 3 looks amazingly photorealistic despite its z-buffering handicap.[LINK The demo] looks just amazing at 0:49 (the face) and 1:18 (the ocean). On the other hand, the rock scene at 0:58 still looks really like cg. Still, it looks amazing overall.
(L) [2012/04/20] [ost by jbikker] [CryEngine 3] Wayback!

Does anyone know what the LOC is for this engine? I read something like 2M for Crysis 2; I have no idea how much of this is 'renderer' and how much 'game engine' (there's probably overlap as well).
