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(L) [2013/06/25] [ost by Tristan] [Correlated Multi-Jittered Sampling] Wayback!

Hey guys, I came across this while reading over the new PRMan realease notes and thought it might be of interest to some of you:


We present a new technique for generating sets of stratified samples on the
unit square. Though based on jittering, this method is competitive with low-
discrepancy quasi-Monte Carlo sequences while avoiding some of the struc-
tured artifacts to which they are prone. An efficient implementation is pro-
vided that allows repeatable, random access to the samples from any set
without the need for precomputation or storage. Further, these samples can
be either ordered (for tracing coherent ray bundles) or shuffled (for combin-
ing without correlation).

Sorry if it's old news!

 - Tristan
(L) [2013/06/25] [ost by Dade] [Correlated Multi-Jittered Sampling] Wayback!

Very interesting, thanks.
(L) [2013/06/25] [ost by fursund] [Correlated Multi-Jittered Sampling] Wayback!

Indeed very interesting! Don't think it's old news per-se, but just hasn't been advertised very much, oddly enough, since I guess it could be a "solution" for the NVIDIA QMC patent mess.
(L) [2013/06/26] [ost by toxie] [Correlated Multi-Jittered Sampling] Wayback!

And entering the Pixar MC patent mess.. [SMILEY ;)]
(L) [2013/06/26] [ost by ingenious] [Correlated Multi-Jittered Sampling] Wayback!

When do NVIDIA's QMC patents expire exactly? I really don't like having to know how many samples I'll be taking in advance...
