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(L) [2013/01/09] [tby spectral] [No more emails notifications...] Wayback!

Since a few days I don't receive any email notification (when receiving an answer by example) from the forum ?
I'm alone to see this effect [SMILEY :-(]
(L) [2013/01/09] [tby jbikker] [No more emails notifications...] Wayback!

There seems to be an issue with outgoing mails; new users are not receiving emails either... I'll see if I can find the source.
(L) [2013/01/09] [tby spectral] [No more emails notifications...] Wayback!

Thanks a lot...
But I'm not a new user [SMILEY :-P]
(L) [2013/01/09] [tby ironwallaby] [No more emails notifications...] Wayback!

I am! (Was!)
I too have noticed a lack of outgoing notification emails (in addition to my signup emails), so I can confirm the issue.
(L) [2013/01/17] [tby spectral] [No more emails notifications...] Wayback!

Not yet ?
Have you find a problem and a solution of course [SMILEY :-D] ?
(L) [2013/01/21] [tby jbikker] [No more emails notifications...] Wayback!

The problem is being investigated by the IT crowd that governs the physical machines. No solution yet...
(L) [2013/02/01] [tby jbikker] [No more emails notifications...] Wayback!

I did not receive a 'solved' notification from ICT, but the board is sending me emails again. Can someone confirm?
(L) [2013/02/01] [tby spectral] [No more emails notifications...] Wayback!

Yes, I confirm...
Thanks a lot [SMILEY ;-)]
