c0de517e's weblore: Main Entrance.
Computers, Graphics && Altera.
Old site
Special pages:
Use(r)net archive / article.
OMPF/OMPF2 forum archives.
All archived flipcode.com IOTDs.
3D Computer Graphics Programming for Beginners.
(updated: 2025-02-15)
- Last:
Culture smell.
(updated: 2025-02-10 - recent on top)
Learning to differentiably rasterize.
Recollecting the history of offline rendering.
From the archive: Making a greener grass.
Tools that I use.
From the archive: Vegetation in COD:BO4.
The engine of the future.
Engine Architecture, Web Engineering and Languages.
Peaked technologies.
Portals are misunderstood.
New year, old playstation.
The art and joy of well-architected "bad code".
Why do I hate on Musk, unfairly.
Exploring the design space of "remote scene approximation".
From the archive: Notes on environment lighting occlusion.
Writing to stimulate the brain, and to quiet it.
Crap: WASMtoy.
20x1000 Use(r)net Archive.
Notes: Reversing Revopoint Scanner.
How does this work? txt2web.py
A new Blog: Reinventing the wheel.
txt2web 0.18